About Us

The Unit is a traditional Wing Chun School operating from Central Brixton. Wing Chun is a powerful martial art of Chinese origin, famous for its straight punches, low kicks and sticking hands training technique. However, like all systems it is much more than it first appears: 

  • Develop Combat skills and self defence 
  • Develop good posture and core strength 
  • Improve your overall physical strength 
  • Develop your cardiovascular fitness 
  • Develop emotional awareness and control including management of anger and anxiety
  • Become more aware of external factors and develop spacial awareness
  • Develop confidence applied in everyday situations 
  • The list goes on. 

Beginners to advanced - male/female welcome, 12 + yrs. Professional, Highly Regarded Instructors. 


Kenneth Robinson has trained in Wing Chun since 1985, and has extensively studied and practiced in various other Martial styles including Karate and Kali. It was due to the nature, personality and the Martial maturity of his own Wing Chun coach (Nino Bernardo) that Kenneth felt Wing Chun was the primary martial art for him.

Marc Wallach has been practicing Wing Chun since 1991. He has also studied other Martial Arts, but feels that Wing Chun provides him with a training framework which best suits his physical and emotional needs. Marc currently resides and teaches Wing Chun in Devon, keeping a keen hand in at The Unit Brixton during his London stays. For more information on Marc's Devon Wing Chun please see  Wing Chun Devon.


£5 Trial class - Contact us to book. 

"There is no such thing as the best Martial Art, and the individual helps form the style. However, we believe that the specific training techniques within the Wing Chun system can be very beneficial to all people, irrespective of initial skill level, gender or age, this extends to practitioners of other Martial Arts". Kenneth and Marc at The Unit.

The Essence Of Wing Chun by Nino Bernardo
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